Tag Archives: Scotland

Expanding range of Eastern and Western modals of therapy

An ever increasing diversity of models modalities of psychoanalysis

As a psychotherapist, psychoanalyst and hypnotherapist with over 25 years experience, I am of course bound to pick up more modals and methods over time simply because therapists have to do 25 hours or so continuous professional training each year.  For me though, it is about far more. Right from the start of my career I was trained in being multi-modal: being competent in more than one modal alone or in combination. So for me continuing to add modals at competence level or above is a natural thing to do.

Eastern and Western Modals, and in between

Although I started off very much with western based modals with Level 5 Diploma (Graduate level) training in Cognitive Behavioural, Hypnosis based, humanistic and Psychoanalytic, by the time I completed by second set of accreditation (post graduate) with the NACHP I was fascinated by using mindfulness and Eastern Psychology in psychotherapy.

Since then I have revived my long time interest in eastern psychology, Buddhism and Taoism (which goes back to my teens!) and completed a variety of competence and CPD courses in forms of eastern psychology, Buddhism, mindfulness and Zen based mindfulness.

I have also studied Hygge as a northern European alternative, and am currently (Nov 2018) studying Chabbad based Jewish mindfulness.

Fitting the “faith” models into clinical psychotherapy

In the west we had the process of enlightenment, which included something called reductionism. This meant reducing topic areas down into labels.  It is also referred to with similar related terms of Atomism and Positivism.  Before this happened mental health was part of Theology and Philosophy. Later it became psychology.

In other parts of the world, especially the far East, this process never occurred and therefore within Taoism, Kabbalah, Buddhism and other faiths there are also entire psychological theories which do not require faith adherence to use in therapy.

Lets be clear here: you do not have to have any faith at all to benefit from psychology principles taken from Eastern faiths.

Using different models in a clinically effective way

I believe in being holistic, caring and not over medicalised. Treating a label like “depression” is only treating how the person’s overall problem is showing up. It is like giving a head ache pill for a head ache without asking why it happened.

However when working with clients it makes sense to use methods that together BOTH treat the label, AND help the long term well being of the client. Therefore I base my work around research evidenced and NICE recommended core therapies (to address the labels) with psychodynamic and humanistic deeper processes to address the person!

Ironically when I started using mindfulness and other methods they were considered rather alternative, but now they are some of the best research evidenced methods around today.


Key words
Mindfulness, faith, multi modal psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, counselling. eastern psychology, western psychology, philosophy of the mind, depression, anxiety, mental health, personal development, disorders, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Falkirk, Scotland, Skype, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, counsellor



National Association of Counsellors Hypnotherapists and Psychotherapists. Accredited clinical psychotherapist. Counselling Hypnotherapy Psychotherapy

National Council of Psychotherapists. Psychotherapy, Counselling, Psychoanalysis, Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Psychology, Mental Health


New emphasis on clinical mindfulness

Clinical mindfulness, back to basics

Stuart has been involved in mindfulness since his teens. Beginning with transcendental meditation and self hypnosis, he then studied Taoist meditation and yoga alongside Japanese and Chinese martial arts.

For Stuart, mindfulness is a natural way of life, and in recent years he has studied formally a range of additional courses and CPD certificates to refresh areas of competence.

Stuart has completed clinical mindfulness training for groups, CBT and mindfulness for depression and practical meditation training, as well as certification courses in additional theory. His clinical training has been with NHS and private practice clinicians at courses here in Scotland.

Stuart has run training courses at levels 4 and 5 in mindfulness and uses both active and passive mindfulness in clinical practice in Edinburgh, Falkirk and Glasgow. Methods include MBSR, MBCT, teaching mindfulness and hypnosis based mindfulness.

Key words
Mindfulness, MBSR, MBCT, Teaching mindfulness, meditation, mindfulness for depression, mindfulness for stress, mindfulness for anxiety, psychotherapy, counselling, hypnotherapy, psychoanalysis, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Falkirk, Scotland

Contact via the contact us page HERE

Clinic becoming busy

Psychoanalysis, Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Counselling in Edinburgh, Falkirk, Stirling and Glasgow

Currently there are no more spaces at any clinic this week (today is the 11th Sept).

Spaces filling up fast in Edinburgh, Falkirk and Stirling next week, especially the Thursday and Saturday clinic days.

Psychotherapy personal and couples appointments in Edinburgh, Falkirk and Stirling

For next week please contact us ASAP to still book in, availability is not too bad the week after although the Wednesday is pretty much full already and other days have various regular clots already taken.

We will do our best to make appointments available ASAP, and especially for those in immediate distress.

Psychoanalyst, clinical hypnotherapist, counsellor, psychotherapist, life coach, psychologist

Stuart is a CNHC registered hypnotherapist (voluntary regulator) and is on both the CNHC and FHT AVR schemes (accredited voluntary registers). He is a NACHP registered counsellor, hypnotherapist and psychotherapist, a senior accredited NCP psychotherapist, an IPP psychoanalytic psychologist, a SHTC life coach and complementary therapist, am FHT complementary therapist and a SSM analyst, hypnotherapist and stress management counsellor / consultant. He has clinics in Edinburgh, Falkirk, Stirling and Glasgow.


Key Words

Hypnotherapy, psychoanalysis, CBT, life coaching, psychotherapy, NLP, counselling, counsellor, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, psychology, psychologist, psychoanalyst, life coach, Edinburgh, Falkirk, Stirling, Glasgow.