Employment Assistance Programmes
From time to time Scotlandtherapy practitioners accept referrals from EAP schemes and act as sub contractors for those organisations, seeing clients paid for by client companies via the EAP scheme.
Scotlandtherapy Partners Terms and Conditions
Scotlandtherapy accept EAP referrals on an individually assessed basis. Invoices must be honoured within standard 30 day terms or provision will be suspended. Once referred the EAP defers all clinical decisions and rules in regard to cancellation warning and client suitability to the Scotlandtherapy practitioner. This will be in line with clinical judgements and ethical codes of practice.
Unless expressly agreed in writing, Scotlandtherapy reserve the right to see such clients privately at the end of any referral if this is in the clinical interests of the client, or if expressly desired by the client.
Client contracts
Clients are required to complete, sign and adhere to individual assessment and contract agreements, copies of which are available on request. EAP schemes that have online systems or paperwork requirements will be cooperated with only so far as is reasonable, Scotlandtherapy practitioners will not assume information technology or administrator roles unpaid as part of any referral. This will include the 48 hour warning of cancellations rule which has no exceptions other than danger to life (e.g. red weather warning or notifiable disease or emergency hospital admission).
Ethics and Clinical Judgement
Clinical ethical considerations, legal requirements and legal restrictions on confidentiality remain paramount and take precedence over other agreements or considerations.
Late payment
Late payment will result in a reminder, then suspension of EAP client sessions since it is unacceptable for practitioners to be asked to work when unsure of payment. Failure to honour valid invoices, including the use of pretexts such as “does not show up on our system” will result in reminders followed by Small Claims Court action for amounts overdue, plus costs via a dedicated Debt Collection Service.
Late payment will constitute all other elements of the potential contract being nullified. For example, any requirements in regard to referral or taking on of clients privately will be considered invalidated if the EAP in question has failed to honour at least 80% of invoices in the last 12 month period.
As published information about this service, signposted in emails and invoices, EAP’s are excepted to adhere to these terms and conditions.
Complaints, late invoices, poor service
Where the EAP provides poor service, poor response and any other form of poor service to the clients, we in no way accept any responsibility for this, although we will try to mitigate it where reasonable without cost.
We are not paid for administration, and therefore are not liable for it.
Where the client complains to the provider, we do not consider them to be “out on a limb” or an “intermediary”, we support their right to a voice.
We expect the EAP to act in accordance to reasonable business procedures, enabling the customer, supporting the contractor and being professional at all times.
Where the EAP has not cooperated with normal invoicing and ordering, where a legitimate order exists, we will instruct external parties to enforce invoices where the EAP attempts to evade payment and costs will be claimed.
Key words
EAP, contacting, business contracts, EAP wellbing, EAP counselling