Anxiety Therapy and Counselling in Edinburgh
Counselling, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy and CBT are provided for anxiety related issues in Edinburgh. Stuart is a Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional to international standards.
Stuart only takes on Trauma related work since his primary role is as an Advanced Clinical Trauma Specialist. Anxiety however is commonly present in trauma cases, hence this information
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is a nervous elevated emotion that we feel when we perceive danger, risk or feel emotional stress. It is a normal part of life, but can become a problem if it is triggered inappropriately, or becomes associated with things that should not create anxiety. It can also become a condition or state which exists without triggers. This can last for periods of time and is considered a mental health condition. There are also personality disorders where anxiety is a primary feature. Diagnosis medically include generalized anxiety disorder, anxious personality disorder and clinical anxiety.
“I get the sweats and feel shaky”
“I’m feeling scared and anxious”
“My breathing gets fast and I get chest tightness”
“I blush / flush and feel self conscious”
“I wish the ground would open up and swallow me”
“I can’t face seeing people”
“I keep panicking”
“There’s no way I could go out”
“I feel so nervous I feel sick”
“I need a drink to talk to anyone, and sometimes then I get a bit nuts”
Physical presentation of anxiety
Stress and anxiety can trigger a range of physical responses. The most obvious is the flight or fight response. Actually it should be consider flight, fight or disassociate response. When confronted by a perceived danger the body gears up to fight, run away or to “play possum”. Actual physical changes occur including changes to breathing, blood flow, hormone levels and sensory processing. The condition known as a panic attack commonly occurs.
Long term effects can include psychosomatic disorders like irritable bowel syndrome, non epileptic attack disorder, psychosomatic skin conditions, anxiety related asthma and even high blood pressure. Pain can also be experienced, the most well known being tension headaches.
Causes of Anxiety
Anxiety typically is either triggered by something, such as a noise, smell, person or place, or it can remain in place as a state of anxiety in the longer term. Anxiety is either a learnt response based on previous experience, or caused by developmental problems such as fear of rejection, judgement or abandonment.
Anxiety is often thought of in psychodynamic theory as a surface symptom, in other words how something deeper rooted “turns up”. Analytic work therefore looks to address the deeper causes, while mindfulness based or cognitive behavioural therapies might better manage the surface levels.
Anxiety is often thought of as an affect regulation difficulty. In other words developmental psychology has caused the person to be unable to manage triggers and stimulation and resolve their own anxiety. This is the link between the underlying developmental cause, and the surface presentation.
Neurology advances in recent years means that we have an excellent understanding of how anxiety works, and how to effectively treat the two main pathways of anxiety, the rapid neuroception response (triggers) and the slower perceptual response (including OCD and rumination).
Treating Anxiety
NICE recommend CBT based psychological therapies. Anxiety UK recommend CBT, counselling therapies and hypnotherapy. Psychoanalysis can be used to look at the deeper issues and causes. Mindfulness and relaxation can help in reducing the effects of anxiety.
Recent developments in Neurology have meant that anxiety treatments are now guided (with enlightened and trained therapists) by hard science. Stuart has completed new neurology based training for better treatment, management and long term thriving.
Anxiety issues stem from two sources: previous experiences, and stress management issues. Developmental issues are best addressed with analysis, stress management issues with hypnotherapy and analysis combined. Elements of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy are used in many cases of anxiety management in order to promote new self empowering behaviours and perceptions. Anxiety UK recommend counselling, cognitive behavioural psychological therapies and clinical hypnotherapy for a range of anxiety conditions. NICE recommend high intensity psychological therapies including CBT and applied relaxation (hypnotherapy for example) as well as psychological education for self management.
In extreme cases of anxiety, depression, mood disorder or Bipolar, Cognitive Behavioural Analysis is recommended, and this is provided by Stuart. CBA has been found to be highly effective when combined with ongoing medical support for serious cases, with study showing 85% effectiveness in combination. [Keller, M. et al. A Comparison of Nefazodone, the Cognitive Behavioural-Analysis System of Psychotherapy, and Their Combination for the Treatment of Chronic Depression. New England Journal of Medicine Volume 342:1462-1470 May 18, 2000. ]
As well as dealing with the surface level symptom of anxiety, depression or mood disorder, analysis can be used to treat the underlying developmental psychology of the client, from which the affect dysregulation originates.
According to Jarosz (2017) Anxiety can be assisted with coaching, Ghahari (2020) MBCT is effective with GAD and anxiety, according to Zhou et al (2020) MBSR is effective with young peiople with anxiety.
Jarosz (2017) “An integrative literature review on the impact of life coaching on courage, fear and anxiety” Suite Coaching, Barcelona, Spain Contact Email:
Ghahari, S., Mohammadi, -Hasel Kourosh, Malakouti, S. K., & Roshanpajouh, M. (n.d.).(2020) Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for generalised anxiety disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. East Asian Archives of Psychiatry, 30(2), 52–56.
Zhou, X., Guo, J., Lu, G., Chen, C., Xie, Z., Liu, J., & Zhang, C. (2020). Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on anxiety symptoms in young people: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychiatry Research, 289, 113002.
Obsessive behaviours or thoughts are very common with long term anxiety and these can be scary, inconvenient and lead to even more anxiety. OCD requires retraining the perception systems in the brain and learning methods of toleration and disruption of the old patterns.
How anxiety tends to present with complex trauma
Anxiety is a common experience for individuals with complex trauma. It can manifest in various ways and significantly impact their daily lives and overall well-being. Here’s how anxiety can present with complex trauma:
1. Hypervigilance and Heightened Arousal:
- Constant state of alert: Individuals with complex trauma often experience hypervigilance, a state of constant alertness and scanning for potential threats. This can lead to feeling on edge, tense, and easily startled.
- Difficulty relaxing: They may find it hard to relax and unwind, as their bodies and minds are always on high alert.
- Sleep disturbances: Hypervigilance can contribute to sleep problems, such as difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing restful sleep.
2. Intrusive Thoughts and Memories:
- Flashbacks: Individuals may experience flashbacks, where they feel as if they are reliving the traumatic event(s). These flashbacks can be triggered by reminders of the trauma or seemingly unrelated events.
- Nightmares: Nightmares related to the trauma are common and can disrupt sleep and contribute to anxiety.
- Intrusive thoughts: Unwanted and distressing thoughts or images related to the trauma can pop into their minds unexpectedly, causing anxiety and fear.
3. Avoidance Behaviors:
- Avoiding reminders: Individuals may avoid people, places, or situations that remind them of the trauma. This avoidance can be a way to cope with anxiety, but it can also interfere with daily life and relationships.
- Social withdrawal: Anxiety can lead to social withdrawal and isolation, as individuals may feel uncomfortable or unsafe in social situations.
- Difficulty concentrating: Intrusive thoughts and worries can make it challenging to concentrate and focus on tasks.
4. Physical Symptoms:
- Panic attacks: Individuals may experience panic attacks, which are sudden episodes of intense fear accompanied by physical symptoms like a racing heart, shortness of breath, and dizziness.
- Physical tension: Anxiety can manifest as physical tension, such as muscle aches, headaches, and digestive problems.
- Hyperarousal symptoms: Other physical symptoms of anxiety may include increased heart rate, sweating, trembling, and difficulty breathing.
5. Emotional Dysregulation:
- Difficulty managing emotions: Individuals with complex trauma may have difficulty regulating their emotions, leading to mood swings, irritability, and anger outbursts.
- Feeling overwhelmed: They may feel easily overwhelmed by emotions and struggle to cope with stress.
- Numbness and detachment: In some cases, individuals may experience emotional numbness or detachment as a way to cope with overwhelming anxiety.
6. Impact on Relationships:
- Difficulty trusting others: Trauma can lead to difficulties with trust and intimacy, making it challenging to form and maintain healthy relationships.
- Fear of abandonment: Individuals may have a strong fear of abandonment and may engage in behaviors to avoid being left alone.
- Relationship conflicts: Anxiety and emotional dysregulation can contribute to conflicts and difficulties in relationships.
7. Functional Impairment:
- Daily life: Anxiety can significantly interfere with daily life, making it challenging to work, go to school, or engage in social activities.
- Quality of life: The constant presence of anxiety can significantly impact an individual’s overall quality of life.
It’s important to note that anxiety can present differently in each individual with complex trauma.
The severity and specific symptoms can vary depending on the nature of the trauma, the individual’s coping mechanisms, and other factors. If you or someone you know is struggling with anxiety related to complex trauma, seeking professional help from a qualified mental health professional is crucial. They can provide appropriate assessment, diagnosis, and treatment to help manage anxiety and improve overall well-being.
Help with anxiety in Edinburgh
Stuart provides psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, counselling, mindfulness and CBT based psychological therapies in Edinburgh.
Stuart has completed Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional (CCATP), a post graduate and post qualification award available internationally for specialists in anxiety.
key words: Anxiety, anxious, anxious personality disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, clinical anxiety, stress and anxiety, panic attacks, fear, phobia, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, counselling, psychoanalyst, analyst, psychotherapist, counsellor, mindfulness, CBT, OCD, Edinburgh, Falkirk, Dublin, Glasgow
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