On-line psychotherapy and CBT

On-line Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is a catch all term for psychological therapy. Within psychotherapy are a wide number of styles and types. Stuart has trained in a range of psychotherapy models and in integrative psychotherapy and counselling. in integrative therapy the therapist combines the most appropriate tools and techniques from a range of sources that are best suited to help the individual client or clients.

On-line Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a form of psychological therapy based on cognitive and behavioural psychology. It is an experimental approach where the client is encouraged to try new ways of looking at things (perception) and new ways of doing things (behaviour).

CBT tends to be a low intensity psychological therapy and is best used in combination with other forms of therapy such as counselling, life coaching or wider psychotherapy.

Where more serious conditions present such as deep rooted depression, Cognitive Behavioural Analysis methods such as CBASP may be more appropriate.

What are psychotherapy and CBT used for?

Psychotherapy does not usually use the biomedical model of labelling “conditions” onto a client. In psychodynamic and humanistic theory the person is helped to overcome the mental health or emotional “symptoms” of their distress. Thus being depressed is symptomatic of the person’s issues, not a medical condition as such.

In CBT there is a greater use of biomedical thinking and it is common for CBT to be used to “treat” certain mental health conditions. indeed NICE recommend cognitive behavioural psychological therapies for a wide range of psychological and mental health conditions.

Make an appointment via emailing and then once you have an appointment, join the waiting room HERE

Key Words:
CBT, Cognitive behavioural therapy, therapist, psychotherapist, psychotherapy, counselling, counsellor, personal change, mental health, depression, phobias, anxiety, stress, anger, emotional distress, psychotherapy on-line, CBT on-line,  on-line therapy Birmingham, on-line therapy London, on-line therapy Manchester, on-line therapy Liverpool, on-line therapy Glasgow, on-line therapy Inverness, on-line therapy Milton Keynes, on-line therapy Wales, on-line therapy England, On-line therapy USA, on-line therapy Canada, on-line therapy Australia, on-line therapy New Zealand

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