Our Environmental Policy
(updated last Oct 2020). We completed an audit of our environmental Carbon Footprint in 2017. This proved very positive as individuals who are self employed, and we scored far better than Government targets. Since then we review our methods regularly, including as part of our annual risk assessment process. We have reviewed additionally as part of our COVID-19 safety and cleaning response.
Measures in place
These include:
- Completing the vast majority of journeys using public transport or on foot
- Moving from Industry professional roles requiring long distance travel to those supported by virtual meetings.
- Moving from training (CPD) requiring travel to virtual or local attendance.
- Purchasing our own electricity and Gas, both personally and “office at home” from Green providers
- Using recyclables or sustainable products as a default
- Recycling as near as possible to 100% of possible items
- Confidential paperwork is shredded and used in compost
- Non recyclable products are avoided
Measures underway
We have managed to source plastic free biodegradable wipes, gloves and vegan spray for COVID cleaning. We have also sourced reusable masks and face coverings, with biodegradable (paper and carbon) filters.
All new equipment and products are being chosen with carbon impact and recycling in mind, from personal white goods, to business computer equipment.
Key Words
Carbon footprint, environmental policy, green policy, reducing carbon use, recycling, Edinburgh
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