We are not a crisis or emergency service. We can not be contacted out of hours and we can not provide the sort of support required for crisis care.
If you are in crisis:
- Contact the Samaritans HERE
- Contact your family and support network
- Contact your GP
- Please do consider using our service once the rest of these are done
There are also often helplines associated with your employment (EAP Schemes) or Student Counselling Services through your University / Student Union
Other helplines exist online, we are unable to recommend or vouch for any in particular
If we have to refer you from our service because of a breech in terms or conditions, payment terms, or because the service is no longer suitable for you then:
- If you are in crisis use the above links
- If you are not in crisis use the resource links below
Resource links:
The following are directories of therapists listed and indexed by private advertising directories. They are a a commonly used set of resources. We can not be held liable or responsible for any advertisers. Please check the credibility of advertisers yourself.
(At home private mental health service, CMHT alternative)
Free divorce and domestic violence help sheets and contacting (paid) professional support site
Note – we are aware of a UK based service using social media attempting to convince vulnerable women to sign up for “legal” and “therapeutic” advice which is freely available elsewhere, and is of dubious quality.
There is usually FREE advice and support available from local Victim support, Women’s Aid and other group support charities and you should not have to pay for good advice.
Key Words
Emergency support, crisis support, domestic violence, suicidal, emergency counselling, emergency helpline, referral, finding a therapist, at risk support