Tag Archives: workfare

Information on the Government imposing therapy and unpaid work

UK people are being forced into unpaid work and therapy

The Workfare scheme in the UK forces people with mental health issues into unpaid work and motivational therapy in order to make them work, fit or not.

Forced therapy

Therapy disguised as confidence or motivation training, personal skills etc tries to force people into being “fixed” in order to work. Failure to cooperate means benefits being cut / sanctioned. Now known as “psycho-compulsion”

Forced unpaid work

Working unpaid is apparently “magic cure” to make people motivated and well! Working without pay, normal work rights etc!

What is mental health

Mental health is a concept and not a fixed biomedical term. It is hard to evaluate and can not be fairly tested in the same way a s a physical injury.

The individual and the society

We live IN society. We are not 100% responsible for depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. These are often partly due to environment, experience and society. Yet neo-liberal thinking treats people as responsible entirely for their mental wellbeing.


Please take time to watch this video to learn more


Key Words

Critical psychotherapy, critical psychology, politics, self and society, welfare state, workfare, mental health and employment, counsellors, counselling, psychotherapy for work, sanctioned benefits, neo-liberal politics. politics and psychology

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