Risk assessment Notice
Please note that in regard to confidentiality we adhere to the strictest confidentiality we can. However we must adhere to the following:
UK and Scottish Law if forced to produce notes etc. (very rare)
UK and Scottish Anti- terrorism law (really, really rare)
UK and Scottish legislation in regard to protecting the individual such as the Children’s Act, mental Health Legislation etc.
Under Health & Safety Legislation we may in house in a confidential manner share information for health and safety reasons.
Therapists are encouraged to have a therapeutic executor. This is a person to carry on providing therapy where possible in the event of the primary therapist becoming incapacitated through death, illness or other cause. Each partner in Scotlandtherapy acts as executor for the other. Clients are of course free to choose to continue therapy with an alternative therapist of their choice elsewhere.
Anonymous data and details may be used in clinical supervision and research. This includes notes and occasional audio recordings for supervision and ongoing training.
At the request of the client we may share limited and agreed information at their request, with other therapists, medical professionals or as a result of requested letters to employers, universities etc.
In the event of a complaint being made against us, obviously full disclosure will apply including all notes being shared with the investigating body.
We are registered for the handling of data, and PVG registered for supporting vulnerable adults and children.
We also are trained in de-escalation and self defence including in the workplace.
We both have first aid at work training.
We have a policy of updating the calendar entry once you arrive. This will reflect the number of clients or other people and where they might be. This is shared via internal sync unless a clinic calls us as an emergency. This is for fire safety. An external person will be able to know how many people need rescuing.
If you have urgent and possible emergency causing issues such as heart problems or epilepsy then you must tell us so we can ensure these details cascade through to our back up service.
Contact via the contact us page HERE