Checking Registrations, Professional Status
Verification of listing and registration via professional bodies
Some professional bodies have an online listing. Professional bodies check all qualifications to ensure the member is qualified on entry. They also check status and insurance on a yearly basis. Stuart is listed with the following. Denise is mentioned only where listed with that professional body. Please follow links for more information and to check listings.
Please note that complementary and psychological therapies are subject to “right touch” voluntary regulation under a scheme of Accredited Registers maintained by the Professional Standards Authority. These are for healthcare practitioners not required to be listed on any statutory register. Both Stuart and Denise are registered both with professional bodies and are listed on at least one PSA Accredited Register.
Stuart’s accreditations and qualifications and CPD are listed HERE
Unless specifically stated otherwise, therapy work is provided under the primary ethical code and accreditation of the NACHP
NACHP is a verification route for CNHC registration on their PSA Accredited Register under the section : Hypnotherapy
Stuart HERE
Stuart is also registered with the British Association of Therapeutic Hypnosis and NLP – (link to come), a CNHC PSA AR validation bodies.
CNHC: Both Practitioners listed under Hypnotherapy, search Morgan-Ayrs
Other Professional Bodies
Specialist Practitioner Registrations
Stuart can be found on the Evergreen Clinician listings for verification HERE You will need to choose the “International” tab, then select UK and then scroll down to find Stuart’s registration. This will list the current active certifications (they are re-certified regularly so there can be lapses as this happens).
Behavioural Analysis:
Non Clinical Work Only:

UKAHPP registered psychotherapeutic counsellor (ordinary member: humanistic non clinical therapy only)
We are no longer associated with the FHT, having left when they opted out of the PSA system, and we are no longer associated with NCIP due to differences of professional opinions.
We are also registered as a business with the FIND A THERAPY directory
Contact via the contact us page HERE