Public Speaking

Public Speaking, Presentation and Performance Anxiety, treated with Hypnotherapy and CBT

Many people suffer anxiety, blushing, flushing, nervousness or general fear responses when attempting to provide a public speech,  at work presentation, university presentation or other performance.

Hypnotherapy combined with CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) and fact finding analysis can provide an effective response to this fear.

Hypnotherapy visualisation for performance, presentation and speaking

Visualisation in hypnotherapy enables the repeated practicing of the event, without error, and with increased desensitization to any stress. This is a form of SIT or stress inoculation therapy. it is gentle and pleasant and is designed in stages so as not to freak out the subject!

Hypnotherapy suggestion and psychotherapy for presentation and speaking

Suggestion is the use of psychotherapy and positive psychology to change the experience of the subject. Critical in presentations are:

1. Change the emotional state during the performance to a combination of positive emotions

2. Change the focus of the subject onto the topic and or audience making them mindful, and taking away self hyper vigilance.

Mindfulness in presentations

Much of the anxiety experienced in presentations comes from the subject becoming hyper vigilant and turning that on themselves, scanning themselves in a self critical way. Mindfulness enables the subject to relax in the present of the occasion, focusing on the topic, audience and overall positives.

Allies or enemies in presentations, the perception

Once fearful the subject often subconsciously perceives the audience as a group waiting to judge them. This is actually projection of inner self criticism onto the audience. Once it happens however the overall perception of the occasion is distorted. Using hypnotherapy the subject can come to accept the audience as a friendly or neutral group of people waiting to share information and interact, not enemies!

Finding hypnotherapy, CBT and Analysis for performance and presentation in Edinburgh, Stirling, Falkirk and Glasgow

In the UK we have voluntary “right touch” regulation of Hypnotherapy via the  Professional Standards Authority Accredited Register system to ensure standards for healthcare practitioners not subject to statutory regulation. Stuart (and Denise) are registered with the CNHC (under hypnotherapy), who hold a PSA AR.

Stuart trained 1993-1996 in psychoanalysis, stress counselling and clinical hypnotherapy and has since completed extensive post graduate training including a MSc Psychology.

Stuart has a clinic  in Edinburgh.

To find out more use the contact form below or email

Key Words:

Public Speaking, performance, presentation, phobia, panic, flight and fight response, blushing, sweating, fear, work project, university project, hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, CBT, Edinburgh.

Contact via the contact us page HERE

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