Monthly Archives: April 2014


No clinic in edinburgh today since I am at Napier University doing an OU day seminar for a philosophy of the mind course as part of continuous professional development.

As a psychoanalyst and hypnotherapist I am required to carry out extensive training each year, both to maintain standards, and for ongoing improvement.


We are now back after easter providing psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, counselling, hypnotherapy, cbt, Nlp, coaching and mindfulness in edinburgh, Falkirk and Glasgow. Most of this week we are based in Edinburgh. Thursday Stuart is at the Falkirk clinic, as well as visiting a new potential base in Stirling. Saturday Stuart is not seeing clients due to a day long university based professional development training.

Current provision

Just to update. Although we are taking some time off for easter, we will have appointments available for Psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, counselling, hypnotherapy and coaching over the whole period. Email us or use the contact form to find out more.


CNHC New Standards

CNHC, the voluntary regulator for complementary health, including hypnotherapy (although this is actually a psychological therapy), has issued new ethical standards.

Conduct, Ethics, Performance

Frankly at first and second look, if therapists are not adhering to these standards then they are not adhering to basic standards of practice. These standards have been written in NOS for years (National Occupational Standards).

Standards of practice 1st June 2014

We are already adhering to the standards required by CNHC post 1st June 2014,  Frankly these standards are more strict then we were expecting professionally, but we have always aimed higher than that. Therefore we are placed to more than exceed the new standards.

Most of the Standards are NOS based. National Occupational Standards are the good practice guides for the industry, and we have consistently adhered to these.

We again object to hypnotherapy being a psychological therapy

We again object to hypnotherapy being classed as a complementary therapy. If hypnotherapy is a complementary therapy, then so are counselling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, CBT, NLP, mindfulness, life coaching. We are providing a psychotherapy that underpins modern psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, and is related to mindfulness and NLP.

Psychoanalysis Psychotherapy Edinburgh

Back providing Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy, Counselling, CBT, NLP Edinburgh

Sorry to say that both of us picked up a tummy bug via our work in the last week and therefore had to take time off to recover and then ensure we did not pass it on. We feel strongly that it is our responsibility to cancel appointments if there is a risk of passing on a nasty flu or other bug.

Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy, Counselling, Life Coaching, Psychoanalysis Edinburgh, Falkirk, Glasgow

Since 1993, as a student and since 1996 as a full graduate, Stuart has provided Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy, coaching, psychoanalysis, stress counselling and general health education training ( as part of a Level 4 NVQ Training & Development NVQ)

Standards for Hypnotherapy, Counselling, Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis, CBT, NLP

The most important standards are the AVR scheme standards. AVR or Accredited Voluntary Register are the registers maintained by the Professional Standards Agency. The PSA maintain standards for those healthcare personnel who are not subject to statutory regulation.

Denise is a CNHC registered hypnotherapist –  an AVR register.

Stuart is both a CNHC registered hypnotherapist and a FHT registered therapist, both are AVR registers.